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2022 Effective Development Co-operation Summit

12 December 2022 —14 December 2022

The 3rd High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC), also known as the 2022 Effective Development Co-operation Summit, will drive urgent action to make development co-operation work better for those at risk in this era of pandemics, economic shocks and climate disasters.

COVID-19 has put pressure on international development co-operation and challenged our ability to deliver and respond to growing needs worldwide. The Summit will address how we can accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, 2030 Agenda and leave no one behind.

The Summit will underscore the importance of urgent progress to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and demonstrate that the effectiveness principles –country ownership, a focus on results, inclusive partnerships, and mutual accountability and transparency – are key to achieving these ambitious goals at the country level. 

To make development co-operation more effective, the Summit will promote:   

  • A clear and deliberate political commitment from actors, ensuring that all partnerships supporting the 2030 Agenda are country-led, inclusive, and build on efforts that strengthen trust among partners.  

  • A renewed focus on agreed development priorities, building capacities at the country level and strengthening local systems. 

  • A strengthened common policy framework based on the outcomes of (the High-Level Meetings of) Paris, Accra, Busan, Mexico and Nairobi, and supported by new evidence, to actively engage in the Decade of Action to deliver on SDGs. 

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