News News Search by tag- Any -climateclimate changeclimate resilienceDecentralization HLPFHLPF LGMAlocalization migrationMultilateralismNew Urban AgendaSDG SummitSummit of the Futuresustainable development goals, agenda 2030Towards the Localization of the SDGs, the report of LRGs to the 2018 HLPF, presented at the Local and Regional Governments’ ForumU20UNFCCUNFCCC urban 20WaterWorld Urban Forum Localizing the SDGsSDG 11Climate and resilienceCultureGender EqualityFinancing for DevelopmentUNACLALAMGGeneral Assembly of PartnersWorld Assembly The 8th report of local governments’ SDG action the UN HLPF is underway!09 February 2024 Localizing the SDGs Historical step towards the development of a structural relationship of the constituency with the United Nations as the Advisory Group of the UN Secretary-General on Local and Regional Governments takes off09 October 2023 The organized constituency pledge to achieve the 2030 Agenda and a reformed multilateral system at the SDG Summit22 September 2023Localizing the SDGs SDG Summit Summit of the Future Multilateralism The Global Taskforce at a glance in the SDG Summit 05 September 2023 Localization at the centre of the HLPF19 July 2023With a delegation of over 35 elected officials, including the presence of the political leadership of the Global Taskforce su Global city leaders offer solutions to G20 ahead of heads of state meeting on climate, economic and humanitarian crises19 July 2023This has been taken from the official U20 2023 Summit Press Release accessible here: Load More