We are at the #WUF11 in Katowice 26-30 June
As facilitator of the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, UCLG has been actively opening up spaces for our constituency to be heard at this relevant gathering, in particular at the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments, and the Roundtable of Local and Regional Governments.
The sitting of the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments that will take place on Sunday 26th from 15:00 to 18:00 is envisioned as a series of roundtables that speak directly to the dialogues of the World Urban Forum #WUF11 UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) on sustainable urbanization and peace building.
The Local and Regional Governments Roundtable will take place on Monday 27th from 16:00 to 18:00 and will consist of a dialogue between mayors, representatives of national governments and other relevant stakeholders on ways to reimagine our cities from a double approach: through the lens of empowerment, discussing the need to strengthen an enabling environment for local and regional governments to deliver on their mandates; and through the lens of caring, highlighting the critical role cities play to reach those furthest behind. You can find the concept notes and updated agendas enclosed.
As every WUF, UCLG has ensured the Local and Regional Governments Pavilion in the exhibition, this year with the special presence of our European Section.
The Pavillion is the beating heart of our constituency and we hope it will be your meeting point throughout the week. See you there!
Check the programme of our constituency
Check the programme of the World Assembly
Check the Concept Note of the LRGs Roundtable