The World Water Forum is the world's largest international forum on water. It has been organised every three years since 1997 by the World Water Council. The 9th Forum will take place in Dakar from 21 to 26 March 2022, and will be the first of its kind to be hosted in sub-Saharan Africa.
The World Water Forum serves as a platform to connect and make long-term progress between local and regional governments with national governments, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society and private sector.
Local and regional governments have taken active part to the World Water Fora since the fourth edition in 2006, particularly through UCLG and ICLEI, and through the participation of local and regional governments participation to the Political Process of the Forum, and through dedicated sessions in the thematic sessions.
This year's edition will focus on Water Security for Peace and Development and participation will take place on-site only with paying registration fees. It will be an opportunity to promote our constituency's messages on public service delivery, protection of the common goods and a society of care.
More info: https://worldwaterforum.org/en