Global Taskforce feedback on Habitat III Policy Paper Frameworks

07 February 2016

Building on inputs provided by members, the Global Taskforce, facilitated by UCLG, has provided detailed feedback in response to the ten Habitat III Policy Paper Frameworks published on 4 January.

The Policy Paper Frameworks of each Policy Unit will provide the basis for forthcoming narrative policy papers on each area and, eventually, the New Urban Agenda to be adopted at the Habitat III Conference in Quito in October 2016.

In addition to providing specific feedback on each Framework document, a number of general observations can be highlighted

“It is vital that the Habitat III process develops a clear vision that goes beyond a sectoral approach to identify the overarching principles and priorities of the New Urban Agenda”.

The inputs of the constituency reiterate the call for the Habitat III process to keep in mind the other international sustainable development agendas that have been adopted in recent months, particularly the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. In particular, the New Urban Agenda should seek links and synergies with Goals 11 and 16 of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Local governments should not be faced with the unclear priorities and mechanisms of multiple, conflicting international commitments and recommendations.

In its general assessment, the constituency calls for the principle of local self-government to be placed at the heart of the New Urban Agenda, recalling that there is “no one-size-fits-all recipe for sustainable development”. It celebrates the recognition of the importance of citizen participation across all ten Policy Paper Framework, and calls for a deeper, joint reflection on the role of citizens in local democracy. It also advocates for a greater recognition of the legitimacy of local governments, as an elected sphere of the state, to play a leadership role in local development partnerships. It also highlights the diversity of local governments and the need for a bottom up approach to National Urban Policies that works for all kinds of city. The paper also reiterates the need for culture to be acknowledged and harnessed as the fourth pillar of sustainable development.

The Global Taskforce meets in Barcelona on 9 February to define its next steps for the Habitat III Process, and to provide inputs to the Policy Unit 4 on Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development, which is co-lead by UCLG/the Global Taskforce and the LSE Policy Unit 4.

More information:

Overall assessment of the Habitat III Policy Paper Frameworks

Local government feedback on the ten Habitat III Policy Paper Frameworks

Storify of tweets highlighting GTF feedback on the Policy Paper Frameworks