Getting cities right is the key to development. Happy first anniversary to the New Urban Agenda

16 October 2017

Getting cities right is the key to development. Happy first anniversary to the New Urban Agenda

The Global Taskforce celebrates the first anniversary of the New Urban Agenda

The New Urban Agenda was adopted at the Habitat III Conference in Quito, Ecuador, one year ago. The Conference also saw the celebration of the Second World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments, which saw local and regional leaders from around the world commit to playing their part in achieving the agenda in our cities and territories.

Today, the local and regional government networks of the Global Taskforce reaffirm our commitment to the New Urban Agenda and reiterate our call for urbanization to be seen as a development opportunity, rather than a challenge.

Local and regional governments also take this opportunity to recall the recommendations of the Independent Panel to Assess, Enhance Effectiveness of UN-Habitat after the Adoption of the New Urban Agenda an integrated territorial approach to urbanization to bridge the artificial urban-rural divide, and for a clear, transparent roadmap to complete the third phase of the follow-up and review process as defined in paragraph 173 of the New Urban Agenda.

Global Taskforce networks call for a people-centred agenda and for revitalized local partnerships to drive global development over the coming decades. Such partnerships should serve to harness the New Urban Agenda to localize the Paris Climate Agreement, the SDGs, and the Sendai Framework and thereby guarantee the achievement of our shared global goals.